Join our FREE 3-part video mini-course, “Raising Stars: Disciplining Children with Love,” created by Joshua & Margie Boswell, experienced parents of 11 children.
- Love-based discipline techniques.
- Strategies to navigate tantrums gracefully.
- Tips for instilling respect, resilience, and responsibility.
- Helpful resources to ease the discipline journey.
Enter your name and email below to gain access to empowering content, including 3 insightful videos, transcripts and audios.
Raising Stars🤩:
Disciplining Children With Love ❤️
About Joshua & Margie Boswell
Joshua and Margie Boswell are the parents of 11 children, plus two amazing daughter-in-laws and grandchildren. Joshua runs a marketing company and Margie runs the Boswell home empire :) They homeschool, serve in busy Church positions, and travel with their family 3-6 times a year. God is central in their lives, making family their purpose and passion. Together, they are the founders of The Happy Family Club. Their mission? Every Family A Happy Family.